The cast and crew are into their final week of rehearsals for Theatre In The Quarter's festive production of A Christmas Carol. Thursday night, weather permitting will see a hundred carollers take to the streets of Chester with the cast to perform excerpts from the show, gearing up for opening night on December 5th within the impressive surroundings of Chester Town Hall.
Another Way Theatre are honoured to have the opportunity to produce Shakespeare's Antony & Cleopatra at The Minack Theatre from June 3rd-7th 2013. Their vivid telling of the story offers a fresh look at the epic nature of the doomed love affair that rocked the ancient world. Following The Minack Tour this production will play at the Caterham and Purley Festivals from June 18-29th. We at Another Way are looking forward to going to see A Christmas Carol at Chester Town Hall this festive season - Chris will be playing the part of Fred. More info here.
We at Another Way Theatre have chosen our Shakespeare play for 2013 and are looking forward to producing it at The Caterham and Purley festivals next summer. And now we can also confirm a very exciting extra venue for our Shakespeare tour next year - a little further afield - more news to follow!
AuthorAnother Way Archives
December 2023